Having Children

Moments That Matter

If you’re thinking about starting a family, then you’re probably feeling excited—and maybe a bit scared. Juggling the demanding responsibilities of your job along with parenting is no easy task. Even the strongest among us will experience some challenges with raising a family while working. Parenting is unpredictable and it’s hard to know and plan for all the changes and disruptions that will happen as a result of having kids.

Public Accounting is a demanding field. Children will affect your energy level, finances, and career plans. Children are a true gift, but it’s okay to be concerned about how they will impact your life and your career.

Things to Consider

Before you commit to having kids, or before they’re here, it’s totally acceptable to take some time and think through your expectations and understand your firm’s policies regarding you and your family. Here are some key considerations:

  • What is your firm’s parental leave policy? Check with your firm’s HR department to understand your firm’s policies regarding family and parental leave. It may be wise to read up on the Family Medical Leave Act. In short, leverage any and all opportunities available to you.

  • Does your firm offer other benefits that could be helpful? Does your firm offer any kind of day care or pretax dependent care plans? What about life insurance, long term disability, or other medical expense plans? You don’t need to act now; but when you’re ready, this is a good time to start thinking about what kind of long-term financial strategy your family will need.

  • How will having kids affect my day-to-day work schedule and my long-term career? Going to prenatal checkups and regular doctor’s visits, among the many other errands of preparing to have a baby and taking care of a newborn take a lot of time and energy. Does your firm allow for flexible, part-time, or remote work? Additionally, some parents like to work less when they have young kids. It’s important to be up front with your firm about your intentions. Sit down and review your accomplishments and go over all the value that you have delivered with your boss. See what’s possible. If you’re doing good work, your career should stay on track.

Key takeaways

Having kids should be a moment of great celebration for your family. Having a solid career and financial plan in place can allow you to focus on what matters most—being present in the early years, watching them take their first steps and speak their first words.

Plans that might help you

Planning for the next step

We have some valuable resources and materials when you’re ready to start planning for life with children. Congratulations. We’ll be here with you every step of the way.

Resources that might help you

Moments That Matter